汤氏瞪羚 (Eudorcas thomsonii) 是栖息于非洲塞伦盖蒂区域坦桑尼亚和肯尼亚的小型牧食性哺乳动物。它们偏好住在干燥草原,但也会出没在林地中。它们的背部为棕褐色、腹部为白色,侧边有一条黑色的纹路。口鼻处亦呈棕褐色,脸颊和眼部周围则是白色,从眼部到口鼻部首端也有黑色条纹。雌雄都有深色多脊的角,但是雄羚的角比较长,也比较坚硬。雄性和雌性身高平均都有 55 至 82 厘米,体长 80 至 120 厘米,体重在 20 和 35 公斤之间。

Latin Name
Eudorcas thomsonii
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
Thomson's gazelle can run at speeds of up to 60mph.
Thomson's gazelle are preyed upon by cheetah, leopards, lions, hyenas, crocodiles, pythons, eagles, African wild dogs, jackals and baboons.
Young male Thomson's gazelle use their horns to fight for dominance, whereas mature males rarely fight and instead engage in ritual displays.
The Thomson's gazelle very rarely drinks, getting the water they need for survival from their diet.
Thomson's gazelle are social animals and often live in large groups, with herds of 700 being seen in the wild.
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