黑马羚 (Hippotragus niger) 是生活在非洲东南部的有蹄类动物。它们有向后方弯曲的尖锐长角、棕褐色至黑色的毛皮,除了白色的下腹部、下巴和喉部,脸上还有白色的泪状斑块。雄性的体型比雌性大,而且毛色更深,角也更长。雄性和雌性黑马羚都在莽原上吃草和觅食。比起空旷的大草原,它们更喜欢疏林。

Latin Name
Hippotragus niger
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The females have strong hierarchies within their herd, with the alpha female being the strongest, healthiest individual. They are also hostile towards new female group members.
In the wild, sable antelope chew bones to gain minerals from them.
Sable antelope get darker as they get older. The darkness of the coat often indicates seniority of group members, with alpha females and males being dark brown to black in colour.
Young males will often play fight as practice and older males will challenge each other by butting heads and pushing each other with their horns, but fights rarely become violent.
Sable antelopes do not flee from predators but stand their ground, often attacking with their horns. They have been known to kill lions.