褐喉树懒 (Bradypus variegatus) 是生活在中美洲和南美洲雨林中的树栖哺乳类动物。毛色是灰白色到棕色,有着瘦长的四肢,手臂比腿长,并有退化的短尾巴。手脚上有三个长爪,不过前爪明显较长。褐喉树懒有圆圆的头,耳朵不明显,双眼到头的侧边有深棕色的纹路。雄性和雌性看起来大致一样,唯一的区别是雄性背上有明显的花纹。它们身长平均 60 厘米,体重为 3.5 公斤至 5.2 公斤。

Latin Name
Bradypus variegatus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The brown-throated sloth only comes to the ground once every 8 days to defecate. Researchers are still determining why sloths do this.
The fur of the brown-throated sloth contains a unique symbiotic ecosystem of algae and fungi. Some of these are antibacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-carcinogenic.
Brown-throated sloths eat very tough, nutrient poor leaves so they have a multichambered stomach, similar to that of ruminants like cows, that allows them to ferment and break down this material for more efficient digestion.
Brown-throated sloths have a very slow metabolism, as such, they rely on the heat of the sun to regulate their body temperature, unlike most mammals.
Brown-throated sloths can rotate their head 300 degrees similarly to an owl.
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