马岛獴 (Cryptoprocta ferox) 是可见于马达加斯加岛森林的大型哺乳类动物,在岛上的肉食性动物食蚁狸科之中是体型最大的。马岛獴大多是树栖动物,具有长而纤细如猫一般的体型,尾巴几乎与身体一样长,毛皮呈现均匀的棕褐色。马岛獴有圆耳、圆鼻和跟猫一样的黄色眼睛。雌雄没有区别,体长在 61 厘米到 80 厘米之间,还有长 60 厘米到 75 厘米的尾巴。马岛獴的体重在 5 公斤到 9 公斤之间。


Latin Name
Cryptoprocta ferox
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
Fossa are unique among carnivores in that they use a polyandrous mating system, where one female will control a territory and mate with multiple males.
Fossa are a member of the Eupleridae family, whose closest relatives are the continental African mongooses. They are thought to have evolved to be very large due to becoming an isolated population on Madagascar 21 millions of years ago.
Fossa are the largest carnivores that live on Madagascar.
Fossa mostly prey on lemurs, which make up 50% of their diet.
Fossa climb down trees face first in a similar way to squirrels.
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