平原斑马 (Equus quagga) 原生于非洲东部和南部,它们喜欢生活在可轻松取得水源的莽原。此物种因不同的特征 (通常是有不同的条纹) 被分为六个亚种,各亚种不太会种间杂交。和所有斑马一样,平原斑马身上也具有黑白条纹,但它们的体型比细纹斑马小,比山斑马大。雄性和雌性的身高皆介于 1.10 至 1.45 米之间,身长为 2.17 到 2.46 米,但雄性的体型通常比雌性大 10%。

Latin Name
Equus quagga
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Zebra recognise each other by their different stripe patterns.
Zebra sleep standing up and take 'watches' during sleep to look out for predators.
The reason for a zebra's stripes is still debated; it may be for camouflage in grass and shade (especially for foals), for motion camouflage to confuse predators when the herd runs, as a deterrent to parasites, or for social recognition.
Zebra females in a harem are aggressive towards new females, who must be protected by the stallion until tension subsides.
Zebra herds move to follow the rain and may migrate up to 1000 miles to remain close to food and water.