墨西哥红膝鸟蛛 (Brachypelma hamorii) 是一种生活在墨西哥境内灌木丛、沙漠和森林地区的蜘蛛。它们有黑色的身体和腿部,关节处呈橙红色,且和其他狼蛛一样,身上覆有感应用的细毛。墨西哥红膝鸟蛛身长大约 10 厘米,足展可达 15 厘米。它们是夜行性动物,白天待在巢穴里,晚上则出外猎食。它们主要以昆虫、小型两栖类和小型哺乳动物为食。

Latin Name
Brachypelma hamorii
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Mexican redknee tarantulas do not need to eat often. After a large meal they may not hunt again for another month.
The Mexican redknee tarantula has two small 'claws' on the end of each of its legs that allow it to climb smooth surfaces.
The Mexican redknee tarantula uses its legs to pick up tiny vibrations in the ground when hunting and ambushing prey.
The end of the Mexican redknee tarantula's legs are able to sense smell and taste, as well as touch.
The venom of the Mexican redknee tarantula is not strong to humans, and the bite is said to be equivalent to a bee sting.