喜玛拉雅棕熊 (Ursus arctos isabellinus) 是棕熊的一个亚种,栖息在阿富汗、巴基斯坦、印度北部、中国西部、尼泊尔、哈萨克斯坦与西藏的山区。它们非常稀有,正面临严重的灭绝危机。野外生存的个体数量未知,但它们受到许多因素威胁,包括人类发展造成的栖地细碎化,以及盗猎它们毛皮与其他部位的行为。

Latin Name
Ursus arctos isabellinus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Himalayan brown bears are the same species as the Grizzly bear, but a different subspecies.
Himalayan brown bears give birth to very small cubs during hibernation and without waking.
Himalayan brown bears come down to lower elevations in autumn to eat fruit and wheat before they go into hibernation.
During hibernation, the bear's breathing and heart rate slow down, but they will wake if disturbed.
Himalayan brown bears are thought to be the origin of the Yeti legend, as they have been seen walking through the snow on their hind legs.