绿鬣蜥 (Iguana iguana) 是分布于中美洲、南美洲北部和加勒比海地区的大型蜥蜴。它们有长长的尾巴,锯齿状的肉冠从头部一路延伸至背脊,并有健壮的四肢和细长的趾爪。有些个体的身体和尾巴长有条纹。

Latin Name
Iguana iguana
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Green iguanas are agile climbers and can fall up to 18m without sustaining an injury.
Green iguanas are excellent swimmers and use their strong tails to propel themselves through the water.
Green iguanas have a flap of skin hanging from their chin called a 'dewlap'. Movement of the dewlap is a method of communication between iguanas.
Green iguana hatchlings have a special tooth called a 'caruncle' that is used for breaking through the shell of their egg. It falls off shortly after hatching.
Green iguanas have a rudimentary third eye on the top of their head known as a 'pineal eye', which is sensitive to changes in light levels and movement.