东部拟眼镜蛇 (Pseudonaja textilis) 是栖息于澳大利亚和新几内亚的有毒爬行类。它们喜欢干燥的环境,因此常见于草原、灌木丛和稀疏的森林地带中。这种蛇有着浅棕到暗棕的体色,通常腹部颜色较淡,鳞片上可能布有伪装用的偏暗棕色斑点。东部拟眼镜蛇一般体长 1.5 至 2 米,它们的招牌防卫动作是抬起头和大部分身体并蜷曲成 S 形,同时张开嘴巴。这种举动时常被误认为攻击行为。

Latin Name
Pseudonaja textilis
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Eastern brown snakes are the second-most venomous snake in the world.
The genus of brown snakes are the most common cause of snake bite deaths in Australia.
Eastern brown snakes hibernate in underground burrows during the winter.
Male brown snakes will fight over females, twisting themselves together tightly and attempting to force the other's head to the ground.
The Latin name for the Eastern brown snake is 'Pseudonaja' which translates to 'false cobra'.