南棘蛇 (Acanthophis antarcticus) 是栖息于澳大利亚东部和南部草原、森林与丛林地带的毒蛇。它们有着扁平呈三角形的头部、粗短的身躯和骤然缩窄的尾部,以及浅棕色、暗棕色和灰色相间的环状花纹,能巧妙隐藏在落叶堆和腐质层中。南棘蛇平均介于 70 至 100 厘米之间。

Latin Name
Acanthophis antarcticus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The common death adder has the longest fangs of any Australian venomous snake.
The common death adder hides under leaf litter for long periods of time, twitching its grub-like tail to lure prey, and strikes when any unsuspecting animals move across its hiding place.
The common death adder has the fastest strike of all venomous snakes in Australia.
Although highly venomous, the common death adder is not aggressive and is rarely a danger to humans.
It is thought that the name 'death adder' was originally 'deaf adder' because common death adders, like all snakes, cannot hear airborne sounds and instead feel vibrations on the ground.