金凤蝶 (Papilio machaon) 栖息在欧洲、亚洲和北美洲,可在温带地区、林地甚至是冻土带发现其踪迹。它有浅黄色的翅膀,前翅上有灰黑色的图案,后翅上有黑蓝的强调色和红色眼状斑点。后翅上也有延伸的“尾巴”,因此它们又称为燕尾蝶。金凤蝶没有表现出两性异形,体型和外观相差无几,且平均翼展危 6.5 至 8.6 厘米。毛毛虫体型丰满,呈现浅绿色,且身体的每一节都有黑色和橙色的标记。

Latin Name
Papilio machaon
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The Old World swallowtail is the largest species of butterfly found in the UK.
The Old World swallowtail caterpillar has an orange organ, called an osmeterium, on its head which protrudes and produces foul odours when threatened to scare off predators.
The Old World swallowtail caterpillar is parasitized by a wasp species called Trogus lapidator that lays its eggs inside the body cavity of the caterpillar and feeds on it while it pupates, with the adult wasp emerging from the chrysalis.
The tongue of the Old World swallowtail is adapted to feed on flowers with many small, thin, tubular petals such as dandelions.
The Old World swallowtail is a fast, direct flier in comparison to many other species of butterflies.
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