所罗门食鸟蛛 (Lasiodora parahybana) 是巴西东部大西洋沿岸森林地带的大型特有种蜘蛛,体色呈黑色,腿和腹部长有粉红色或红色的毛。整体来看雄蛛比雌蛛稍大,足展可达 28 厘米,但雌蛛腹部较大,体重也较重。雄蛛的体色通常也比雌蛛鲜艳一些。

Latin Name
Lasiodora parahybana
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Brazilian salmon pink tarantulas are also known as 'bird eating spiders' although there is very little evidence that they routinely eat birds.
The fangs of the salmon pink tarantula are 2.5cm long and can give a very painful bite.
Males have 'tibial hooks' on their front legs that are used to 'hook back' the female's jaws so she cannot attack him while mating with her.
The venom of this tarantula dissolves the flesh of its prey, making it easier for the spider to eat.
Salmon pink tarantulas only bite as a last resort, but they may flick barbed hairs from their abdomen as a defence mechanism. These hairs are incredibly irritating and can cause blindness.