秘鲁巨人蜈蚣 (Scolopendra gigantea) 是巨大骇人的掠食性节肢动物,原生于南美洲和加勒比海地区的森林。它们具有捕捉与毒杀许多动物的能力,并且懂得根据猎物不同而使用不同的捕捉技巧。秘鲁巨人蜈蚣可长达 30 厘米,并有多种颜色,一般为红色、黄色、棕色或黑色,它们的脚为黄色,躯体上有深色条纹。

Latin Name
Scolopendra gigantea
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Although 'centipede' means '100 legs', they only have a pair of legs per body segment (usually 21 to 23 segments).
The Amazonian giant centipede, and all centipedes, breathe through holes on the sides of their body segments.
The bite and venom of the Amazonian giant centipede has been confirmed to be responsible for one human death.
The Amazonian giant centipede will eat any animal it can catch and kill, including tarantulas and small snakes.
Amazonian giant centipedes have been known to climb onto the top of caves and hang downwards in order to prey upon bats.