河马 (Hippopotamus amphibius) 是一种大型哺乳动物,原生于非洲撒哈拉以南地区的河川。它们是体型庞大的半水生动物,身上长有大而突出的牙齿、鼻孔位于口鼻部顶端,还有着小小的耳朵和厚实而呈灰棕色的皮肤。雄河马体长 4 至 5 米,重量介于 1,500 到 2,000 公斤之间,雌河马则体长 3.3 到 4.2 米,体重 1,000 到 1,500 公斤。

Latin Name
Hippopotamus amphibius
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The hippopotamus' closest living relatives are whales and dolphins.
The skin of the hippopotamus is 6cm thick and secretes a red substance that acts as sunscreen.
Hippos can open their mouths to 150º, this is called a 'hippo yawn' and is usually an aggression display.
Hippos have very large teeth; their canines can be 50cm long.
Hippos spend daylight hours in the water keeping cool and come out of the water at night to graze. They may travel up to 5km, and defecate on leaving so they can smell their way back to the water.