白尾角马 (Connochaetes gnou) 是一种原生于南非的大型有蹄类动物,它们的别名“gnu”取自其受到惊吓时发出的独特叫声。这种生物的外观特色是黑褐色的毛皮和 L 型的长角。相对于雌性,雄性角马的毛色较深,体型也较大。雌雄角马都有厚而浓密的鬃毛,以及像马一样的长尾。它们的体长约 1.7 至 2.2 米,肩高 1.06 至 1.21 米,体重则介于 120 至 193 公斤之间。

Latin Name
Connochaetes gnou
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The horns of the black wildebeest are significantly larger and heavier than those of the common wildebeest.
Both male and female wildebeest have horns, but the males' horns are longer and thicker than the females.
During the mating season, dominant male wildebeests do not eat or sleep as they are so intent on mating and defending their mates from rival males.
Black wildebeest can run up to 50mph when running from predators such as lions and hyenas.
Female groups of black wildebeest are strongly bonded and will be hostile to unknown females trying to join their group.