非洲水牛 (Syncerus caffer caffer) 生活在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,是非洲野生牛科动物中体型最大的。它们的体长通常介于 1.7 到 3.4 米之间,高 1.0 到 1.7 米,特色是头上宽大弯曲的角,它们的角会在额头中心聚拢形成帅气的凸起。牛群中的领头雄性通常拥有最大的角。

Latin Name
Syncerus caffer caffer
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The African buffalo is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa, killing 200 people a year.
Unlike other bovid species, the African buffalo is immune to ‘sleeping sickness’; a deadly disease transmitted by the tsetse fly.
African buffalo have excellent memories and have been known to make vengeful attacks against lions and hunters that have targeted their herd in the past, especially if a calf has been injured.
Due to the aggressive nature of the buffalo, all attempts at domestication as a livestock animal have failed.
African buffalo have a symbiotic relationship with a species of bird called the ‘oxpecker’ that removes ticks from their skin.