红鹿 (Cervus elaphus) 是广泛分布在欧亚与北非部分地区温带草原、林地与灌木丛的有蹄类动物。红鹿有红棕色毛皮,腹部的颜色较浅;它们有又大又尖的耳朵、大大的眼睛与长长的嘴巴。本物种是两性异形:雄性体型比雌性大,且长有多叉的宽阔鹿角。红鹿有多个亚种,体型会依地区与环境条件而不同。雄性红鹿可以长到 1.7 米至 2.5 米长,肩高 1.07 米至 1.37 米。雌性红鹿身长可达 1.6 米至 2.1 米,肩高 0.95 米至 1.22 米。雄鹿比雌鹿重,分别为 90 公斤至 240 公斤与 60 公斤至 170 公斤。

Latin Name
Cervus elaphus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The heaviest red deer ever recorded weighed 497kg.
Male red deer make a loud roar known as a ‘bugle’ to aid in the cohesion of their harem and to signal to rival males.
The red deer's hooves are soft at birth, so fawns rarely walk for the first 16 days of their lives until they harden.
Red deer fawns are born with spots for camouflage, but lose their spots by the time they are 5 months old.
Red deer shed and regrow their antlers every year; while they are growing, they are covered in velvet which provides blood and nutrients to the growing bones.