埃及果蝠 (Rousettus aegyptiacus) 是一种狐蝠,生活在非洲撒哈拉以南地区、埃及和阿拉伯半岛等地的热带雨林、落叶林和灌木丛。它们身上覆满的毛皮可能是黄色、橙色或褐色的。它们有灰黑色的大型翅膀,手指附近则呈现较粉红的颜色。埃及果蝠有长长的口鼻部、扁扁的鼻子、又大又圆的眼睛,以及尖尖的大耳朵。它们的平均身长为 15 厘米,翼展约 60 厘米,体重介于 80 至 170 克。通常雄性的体型较大,体重也比雌性更重。

Latin Name
Rousettus aegyptiacus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The Egyptian fruit bat will eat 50-150% of its bodyweight in fruit every night.
The Egyptian fruit bat has been known to live in colonies of up to 9000 bats.
Egyptian fruit bats have an exclusively frugivorous diet and are ecologically important as seed dispersers.
The Egyptian fruit bat is a highly vocal species; they have been found to have the rudiments of language and communicate to conspecifics about specific topics such as food sources.
Egyptian fruit bats have been heavily researched due to their excellent navigation and echolocation.
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