条纹臭鼬 (Mephitis mephitis) 是一种小型哺乳类动物,踪迹遍及北美洲各地,包括加拿大南部、美国与墨西哥北部。它们有短短的四肢、结实宽大的体格以及毛茸茸的尾巴,细长的脸有着尖尖的口鼻部,上方还有又圆又小的耳朵。条纹臭鼬的身上覆满了又粗又厚的毛皮,颜色黑白相间,它们的名称就是取自这种独特的花色:以黑色的毛皮为底,头皮上的白色毛皮向后延伸为背部的两道条纹,直至尾巴。雄性臭鼬的身长介于 38 至 46 厘米,尾巴介于 33 至 41 厘米,体重介于 2 至 5.5 公斤。雌性臭鼬的体型略小,头部加身体的长度介于 34 至 41 厘米,尾巴介于 30 至 37 厘米,体重介于 1.8 至 4.9 公斤。

Latin Name
Mephitis mephitis
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
Striped skunks do not hibernate, although those living in colder environments may enter a state of torpor during the winter in which they may lose up to 50% of their body weight.
The striped skunk can project foul-smelling liquid up to 3 metres, and the smell can linger for over 2 weeks.
Striped skunk spray contains sulphur compounds that give it its unpleasant rotten egg smell.
The striped skunk is immune to snake venom and is known to eat rattlesnakes.
The Latin name for the skunk is ‘Mephitis’, which comes from the name of Mefitis, the Samnite goddess of volcanoes and poisonous gases.
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