浣熊 (Procyon lotor) 是一种中型哺乳类动物,原生于整个北美洲。它们有粗糙的灰褐色毛皮、带着黑色环纹的尾巴,以及尖尖的口鼻部,而它们独特的脸部斑纹常被形容为“眼罩”。浣熊的前爪非常灵活,用起来就像双手一样。浣熊的身长介于 41 至 70 厘米,尾长为 19 至 40 厘米。通常雄性的体型较大,体重介于 2.5 至 10.4 公斤,而雌性的体重则介于 1.8 至 7.5 公斤。浣熊的体型和体重会因为不同的亚种、气候和时节而有极大的差异。

Latin Name
Procyon lotor
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
Raccoon hands are extremely sensitive, much like human hands.
Raccoons know their territory well and may have up to 20 den spots that they use intermittently.
There are 22 subspecies of raccoon spread across North America and the Caribbean.
The black mask around the raccoon’s eyes improves their vision by absorbing excess light to reduce glare and help them see in the dark.
Raccoons are excellent problem solvers and are very adept at working out puzzles when there is food involved.
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