墨西哥钝口螈 (Ambystoma mexicanum) 是墨西哥淡水湖独有的两栖类,当前仅剩下霍奇米尔科湖是它们的自然栖地。野生的墨西哥钝口螈体色为绿色与棕色,全身上下有深色斑点,不过宠物交易市场中的墨西哥钝口螈通常都是白变 (白色) 或其他鲜艳颜色的异色个体。它们具有从颈部长出来的醒目扇状外鳃,这是所有蝾螈幼体都有的特征,不过由于墨西哥钝口螈的生活型态更偏向水栖,它们还保有这些外鳃。它们的脸部较宽,有小眼睛跟大大的嘴巴。体长约 15 厘米至 45 厘米,平均重约 300 克。

Latin Name
Ambystoma mexicanum
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The axolotl has the largest animal genome ever sequenced, ten times larger than that of humans.
Axolotls are carnivores, eating insects, molluscs and small fish, which they suck into their mouth.
The axolotl is ‘paedomorphic’, meaning it retains the characteristics of a juvenile throughout its entire life and, unlike most amphibians, does not metamorphose.
The axolotl is named after Xolotl, the Aztec god of fire and lightning.
The axolotl has been largely researched because of its ability to regrow limbs and organs.
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