远东豹 (Panthera pardus orientalis) 是可在俄罗斯远东地区和中国之间的温带森林发现的豹亚种。此物种已适应这个地区温暖的夏季和寒冷的冬季。这种大猫体格健壮结实、尾巴粗,宽大的脸部上有又小又圆的耳朵。远东豹有厚重的皮毛,底色从棕褐色到橙色都有,腹部呈白色。它们的身上有黑色环纹,在靠近腿部和身体下侧的地方,这些环纹会渐渐转变为实心的黑色斑点。远东豹肩高 60 厘米至 78 厘米,身长 100 厘米至 136 厘米,尾巴长度则为 82 厘米至 90 厘米。雌性通常比雄性娇小。雄性体重介于 32 公斤至 48 公斤之间,雌性较轻,体重介于 25 公斤至 42 公斤之间。

Latin Name
Panthera pardus orientalis
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The Amur leopard is a strong and skilled hunter and has been known to kill animals much heavier and larger than them.
The Amur leopard will often hunt large prey and then drag their kill into the branches of a tree to store and hide it.
The Amur leopard is one of the world’s rarest cats; as of 2021 only 110 Amur leopards were estimated to live in the wild.
The Amur leopard’s winter coat is much longer and around 3 times thicker than its summer coat.
The Amur leopard occasionally vocalises in short rapid growls to defend territory or announce their presence.
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