欧洲黇鹿 (Dama dama) 是一种有蹄类动物,可在欧洲各地的草原和林地发现其踪迹。它们的褐色毛皮上有着成列的白色斑点,腹部和喉咙为浅色,但其实欧洲黇鹿也有许多变种,例如白变个体 (白色)、黑变个体 (黑色) 和淡色个体 (毛皮颜色较浅且尾巴上没有斑纹)。雄鹿具有大型掌状鹿角,完整生长时的平均全长为 60 厘米,而雌鹿则不会长出鹿角。雄鹿的体型比雌鹿大,头部加身体的长度为 1.4 至 1.6 米,肩高则为 0.85 至 0.95 米;而雌鹿头部加身体的长度为 1.3 至 1.5 米,肩高则为 0.75 至 0.85 米。

Latin Name
Dama dama
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
While a species of fallow deer was native to Europe before the last ice age, the European fallow deer is thought to be native to Turkey, Italy and Greece. It is suspected the Romans spread this species throughout the continent during their rule.
European fallow deer have excellent eyesight and hearing and can detect very slight movements in their surroundings which helps them to avoid predation.
The antlers of the European fallow deer can be up to 60cm long and are shed every year.
While the antlers of the European fallow deer are growing, they are covered in ‘velvet’. When growth is complete, the velvet is shed and antlers may temporarily have a tattered appearance.
A fallow deer fawn can start walking 30 minutes after birth.
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