美洲狮是栖息在加拿大、美国、墨西哥及南美洲各地森林、山区、草原、沙漠和灌木丛中的大型猫科动物。美洲狮也常被称为美洲金猫和山狮。美洲狮有沙色毛皮、粗壮的腿和尾巴、宽大的头部、圆形的耳朵、白色的口鼻部和眼部的黑色泪痕。雄性美洲狮头部加身体的长度为 120 至 200 厘米,肩高 60 至 90 厘米,尾长 63 至 95 厘米,体重 53 至 100 公斤。雌性头部加身体的长度为 90 至 180 厘米,体重 29 至 64 公斤,肩高与尾长与雄性相仿。

Latin Name
Puma concolor
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
The cougar has large paws and the largest hind legs of any felid species, relative to body size.
Despite being the fourth largest cat species, cougars are not considered part of the ‘big cats’ as they lack the bones and organs required to roar.
Cougars cannot roar, but do make sounds comparable to those of domestic cats.
Cougar cubs are born with black spots that act as camouflage; they lose this patternation at 6 months old.
Cougars are strong swimmers able to cross lakes and rivers but like most cats prefer to stay out of the water.
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