长鼻猴是栖息在婆罗洲 (印度尼西亚、马来西亚与文莱) 雨林、红树林和沼泽森林的灵长类动物。它们背上与头顶的毛色为深橙色,胸腹与上臂为浅橙色,而下半身、双脚与前臂为灰色。雄性拥有会垂至嘴唇位置的独特长鼻。雌性没有这么明显的长鼻子,但以灵长类来说它们的鼻子仍十分突出。雄性与雌性长鼻猴的体型有所差异,雄性平均约 66 至 76 厘米高,重约 16 至 22.5 公斤;而雌性约 53 至 62 厘米高,重 7 至 12 公斤。

Latin Name
Nasalis larvatus larvatus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
Proboscis monkeys have webbed toes and are good swimmers.
The proboscis monkey is a very vocal species, with group members often calling to each other to bond, relay information or initiate mating.
The large nose of the male proboscis monkey allows it to make louder vocalisations, which in turn increases the likelihood of attracting females.
The proboscis monkey has a ‘pot belly’ due to their stomach acting like that of a ruminants and breaking down tough-to-digest plant matter.
Alpha male proboscis monkeys make alarm calls to warn their group members of nearby danger.