王企鹅 (Aptenodytes patagonicus patagonicus) 是一种大型海生鸟类,栖息在南大洋,于福克兰群岛与南乔治亚岛等亚南极地区的岛屿繁殖。王企鹅的背部与脚蹼有深灰色的羽毛,胸腹部有白色羽毛,其喉部为黄色,头部则是黑色,脸颊带有亮橙色斑块,喙嘴上也有一道橙色。王企鹅站立时的身高介于 70 到 100 厘米之间,体重平均 9 到 14 公斤,是体型第二大的企鹅,仅小于皇帝企鹅。

Latin Name
Aptenodytes patagonicus patagonicus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
King penguins are monogamous, mating with only one partner each breeding season and caring for the chick together. However, only 30% of king penguins mate for life.
The deepest recorded dive of a king penguin is 343m and the longest recorded time underwater is 9 minutes and 12 seconds.
There is a king penguin at Edinburgh zoo that is called Sir Nils Olav III and is the colonel-in-chief of the Norwegian King’s Guard.
King penguins who do not breed successfully or who lose their eggs or chicks will attempt to steal chicks from other pairs.
The renal system of the king penguin is adapted so that they can drink and filter salt from seawater.
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