东方蓝舌蜥 (Tiliqua scincoides) 是生活在澳大利亚森林、灌木丛、半沙漠气候地带的爬行类动物。它们身形又宽又矮,有着呈三角形的头部和厚实的尾巴。它们体色多样,不过一般是棕色、米色和黑色鳞片排列成条纹图案。顾名思义,东方蓝舌蜥有着亮蓝色的舌头。成年东方蓝舌蜥身长约 45 至 60 厘米。

Latin Name
Tiliqua scincoides scincoides
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
Eastern blue-tongued lizards give birth to live young.
Eastern blue-tongued lizards may detach their tail when attacked as a distraction. Their tails can grow back after detachment.
When threatened, the eastern blue-tongued lizard will puff itself up, hiss and stick out its blue tongue to intimidate predators.
Adult eastern blue-tongued lizards shed their skin approximately every 6 weeks.
Eastern blue-tongued lizards have a strong and painful bite and often will not let go of the bitten object.
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