Спрингбок (Antidorcas marsupialis) — это небольшая антилопа, обитающая в саваннах Южной Африки. У них изогнутые рога, бурая шерсть с коричневыми отметинами, белые живот и морда. От глаз до уголков рта проходит тёмная полоса. Самцы и самки примерно одного размера. У представителей обоих полов есть рога, но у самцов они крепче.

Latin Name
Antidorcas marsupialis
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Springboks are so named because they will often jump up to 2m into the air, especially during the mating season. This jumping behaviour is known as 'pronking'.
Springboks are incredibly fast; they can run up to 60mph.
Springboks do not need to drink water, they can get all the water they need from their food.
Springboks can breed all year round but are more likely to breed during the rainy season.
Black springboks and white springboks occur naturally but rarely and are sought after by trophy hunters.