Обыкновенный фламинго (Phoenicopterus roseus) — крупная перелётная птица, распространённая на территории Европы, Ближнего Востока, Азии и Африки. Она обитает на морских побережьях и в лагунах и предпочитает тёплый и умеренный климат. Во время питания фламинго использует собственный клюв в качестве фильтра, отделяя от грязи водоросли, мелких беспозвоночных и зёрна.

Latin Name
Phoenicopterus roseus
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Flamingos develop their pink colouration from the food they eat; they accumulate carotenoid pigments in their feathers from the algae and invertebrates they feed upon.
Parent flamingos can identify their chick's cry from within a crowd of thousands of other flamingos.
Flamingos are born with straight beaks; the beak starts to curve when they are 1 month old and allows them to filter feed.
Flamingos often stand on one leg and also do this when sleeping. This is believed to be to prevent heat loss; only one leg is exposed to cold air or water.
The earliest forms of flamingos are seen 40 million years ago in the fossil record.