Бонобо (Pan paniscus) обитают в лесах и заболоченных районах Демократической Республики Конго. Их ближайший родственник — обыкновенный шимпанзе (Pan troglodytes). ДНК этих двух видов ближе всего к человеческой.

Latin Name
Pan paniscus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Bonobos use tools such as stones as hammers and have been known to fashion sticks into spears using their teeth.
Bonobos have very high empathy, and will help 'stranger' bonobos even when there is no reward for themselves.
Bonobos communicate through many expressions, gestures and vocalisations and are the most vocal of the great apes (excluding humans).
Bonobos are very uncomfortable with conflict, and competing for food or mates is likely to be solved by sharing rather than fighting.
Bonobos are very physically affectionate to their counterparts, and are the only species other than humans that 'tongue kiss'.