Vis e astutos, os Orruk Rapaiz-Crueus comandam capangas furtivos e atiradores letais. Temerosos dos imponentes heróis, os Orruk Rapaiz-Crueus se organizam defensivamente no campo de batalha até atropelar cruelmente os inimigos com suas brutais feras de guerra.

Ardilosos e brutais habitantes dos pântanos que valorizam a esperteza em vez da força. Vencer por meios ardilosos é mais importante do que a honra.
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Faction Facts
Kruleboyz are swamp-dwelling Orruks whose tools of Destruction include poisons, foul beasts, and cunning brutality. What they lack in defence they make up for in disruptive abilities that allow them to manipulate the tide of battle.
Orruk Kruleboyz are cunning but brutal swamp-dwellers who prize deviousness over strength. To win by underhanded means is greater than any honour.
Foul and kunnin', Orruk Kruleboyz field sneaky grunts and dead-eye marksmen. Fearful of their imposing heroes, Orruk Kruleboyz stakeout the battlefield defensively before cruelly overwhelming the enemy with vicious war beasts.
Through the cunning use of stealth and surprise, Orruk Kruleboyz lure enemies into their territory where they overwhelm those foolish enough to dare.
Lacking brawn, Orruk Kruleboyz fight dirty, sacrificing weaker units to bring the full force of destruction with fighting beasts.
Orruk Kruleboyz heroes employ the lash and fierce words to bolster their underlings, increasing their damage and offensive output.
Grand Alliance