O gibão-de-mãos-brancas (Hylobates lar) é um primata que habita as florestas pluviais da Indonésia, do Laos, da Malásia, de Mianmar e da Tailândia. A coloração do pelo deste animal pode variar do marrom escuro ao ruivo, castanho ou creme. Sua face é preta, com um anel característico de pelos brancos ao redor. As mãos e os pés também são brancos. Os gibões machos e fêmeas são iguais, medem entrem 42 cm e 59 cm e pesam de 4 kg a 7,6 kg.


Latin Name
Hylobates lar
Conservation Status
Animal Category
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Animal Facts
Lar gibbon families engage in duets and song, using vocalisations and threats to defend their group and territory.
Like other gibbons, the lar gibbon is mostly arboreal and traverses the trees by swinging from branch to branch, a locomotion method known as brachiation.
The lar gibbon is the most active species of gibbon, spending 74% of their time feeding, travelling and socializing, and only 26% of their time sleeping.
The lar gibbon is the fastest gibbon, moving through the trees at up to 50km/h.
The lar gibbon can leap up forward up to 9m in one brachiating jump.
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