A cobra-da-morte (Acanthophis antarcticus) é uma serpente peçonhenta que vive nas pradarias, florestas e matas cerradas do leste e do sul da Austrália. Tem cabeça achatada em formato triangular, corpo baixo e cauda que se afunila bruscamente, além de padrão em faixas de marrom-claro, marrom-escuro e cinza, para se camuflar entre folhagens e outros detritos. Em média, a cobra-da-morte tem entre 70 e 100 cm de comprimento.

Latin Name
Acanthophis antarcticus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The common death adder has the longest fangs of any Australian venomous snake.
The common death adder hides under leaf litter for long periods of time, twitching its grub-like tail to lure prey, and strikes when any unsuspecting animals move across its hiding place.
The common death adder has the fastest strike of all venomous snakes in Australia.
Although highly venomous, the common death adder is not aggressive and is rarely a danger to humans.
It is thought that the name 'death adder' was originally 'deaf adder' because common death adders, like all snakes, cannot hear airborne sounds and instead feel vibrations on the ground.