A borboleta-pavão (ou Aglais io) é uma espécie de borboleta que vive nas pradarias e florestas temperadas da Europa e da Ásia. Ela tem quatro asas vermelhas com ocelos característicos e bordas marrons. Esses ocelos podem ser feitos de escamas amarelas, azuis, vermelhas ou roxas, com manchas pretas ao redor. O lado inferior das asas vai do marrom ao preto. Os machos e fêmeas são iguais, embora as fêmeas possam ser até 10% maiores. As borboletas-pavão atingem uma envergadura de 5 cm a 6,4 cm. Suas lagartas são pretas e peludas, já as crisálidas são verdes com cristas pontudas do lado dorsal.

Latin Name
Aglais io
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The European peacock butterfly can make a hissing noise that is audible to human ears by rubbing its wings together, which appears to aid in warding off rodent predators.
The European peacock butterfly’s wing pattern is a defence mechanism, with the eye spots and butterfly body looking like a bird’s eyes and beak to scare off predators.
Many of the caterpillars of the European peacock butterfly fall victim to parasitic wasps.
In Japan, the European butterfly is a positive symbol for a happy marriage.
The underside of the European peacock’s wings are camouflaged to look like a dead leaf. This comes in especially useful when they hibernate through winter.
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