O cão-da-pradaria-de-rabo-preto é uma espécie de roedor que vive nas pradarias, descampados, semidesertos e estepes dos EUA e também em pequenas áreas do Canadá e do México. A espécie tem pelo cor de areia com uma coloração mais clara no ventre. Tem garras longas, orelhas pequenas, olhos pretos e rabo de ponta preta. Os machos são ligeiramente maiores que as fêmeas, mas iguais na aparência. O cão-da-pradaria-de-rabo-preto pesa entre 680 g e 1,36 kg, com um comprimento que varia de 36 a 43 cm, mais 7,6 cm a 10, 2 cm de cauda.

Latin Name
Cynomys ludovicianus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Prairie dogs are a member of the squirrel family.
Black-tailed prairie dogs are very sensitive to low sound frequencies; this adaptation allows them to hear when predators move through their burrows.
Although not an endangered species, the range of the black-tailed prairie dog is now just 5% of what it used to be due to humans changing land use and encroaching upon the prairie dog's habitat.
Prairie dogs call to their pack mates to communicate details about nearby predators, such as the predator's size, distance away and whether they are above or underground.
Black-tailed prairie dogs are a keystone species as they reconstruct environments with the amount of digging they do; this enhances the diversity of wildlife and vegetation and is a very important ecosystem role.