O escaravelho-sagrado é um besouro-do-esterco nativo das dunas costeiras e das áreas pantanosas no entorno do mar Mediterrâneo, sendo encontrado no norte da África, na Europa e no Oriente Médio. O escaravelho apresenta 6 prolongamentos na cabeça e cada pata dianteira possui mais 4, o que dá a aparência de um arco com raios projetados. O escaravelho-sagrado mede entre 10 e 25 mm e tem uma carapaça preta brilhante.

Latin Name
Scarabeus sacer
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
Scarab beetles can roll balls of dung that are 50 times their weight.
Sacred scarab beetles use the projections on their head and front legs to shape dung into spheres.
The sacred scarab beetle was seen as a representation of the Sun God Ra by Ancient Egyptians, who likened the rolling of dung balls to the sun rolling across the sky.
Sacred scarab beetles roll dung by pushing it with their back legs.
The larvae of scarab beetles play an important ecosystem role in recycling the nutrients from detritus and dung.
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