O dingo (Canis lupus dingo) é um canídeo de grande porte que habita quase todo o território da Austrália. Com pelos cor de areia, ventre branco, orelhas pontudas e focinho longo e de ponta achatada, o dingo é um animal esguio, medindo em média de 52 a 60 cm de altura e 1,2 a 1,5 m de comprimento. Eles pesam de 14 a 19 kg, e os machos são ligeiramente maiores que as fêmeas. O dingo é um predador oportunista que também age como detritívoro, o que resulta numa dieta variada, com mamíferos, pássaros, répteis, carniça, frutas e vegetais.

Latin Name
Canis lupus dingo
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
Interbreeding with domestic dogs has resulted in unusual colours of dingoes, such as black or white individuals.
The dingo is thought to have been introduced into Australia by seafarers 4,000 years ago. It is hypothesized that it originated from a dog like the New Guinea singing dog.
The ‘Dingo Fence’ in South-East Australia is 5,614km long and was built to protect sheep from dingoes.
Dingo pups will often be fed and cared for by the other members of the pack as well as their parents.
Dingoes have very flexible wrists that enable them to clutch prey; this also gives them the ability to open doors and gates that dogs or wolves could not get through.
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