북극늑대(Canis lupus arctos)는 캐나다 북부와 그린란드에 사는 큰 갯과 동물입니다. 흰늑대로도 불리는 이 동물은 큰 무리를 이루어 사냥하는 육식 동물이며, 주로 사향소와 북극토끼를 먹지만, 여우와 새, 새끼 곰, 때로는 썩은 고기까지 먹습니다.

Latin Name
Canis lupus arctos
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
Arctic wolves are larger and stockier than other species of wolves to enable them to withstand the harsh conditions in which they live.
All arctic wolf pups are born with blue eyes, which turn orange or yellow between 4 to 8 weeks old, although very occasionally a wolf may retain their blue eyes to adulthood.
Arctic wolves have had little exposure to humans and thus are not scared of people; they are likely to approach humans with curiosity.
Arctic wolves can withstand temperatures as low as -53C.
The population of Arctic wolves fluctuates depending on the success of the breeding season of their prey.
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