회색늑대(Canis lupus)는 팀버늑대라고도 부르며, 북반구 대부분에서 서식하는 거대한 갯과입니다. 이들은 잡을 수 있는 먹이는 죄다 먹는 거대한 잡식성 포식자이고, 다양한 환경에서 서식할 수 있습니다.

Latin Name
Canis lupus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Wolves, with the exception of some breeds of domestic dog, are the largest canid species.
Wolves howl as an alarm call, to assemble the pack, to locate each other if they get separated, or to communicate across long distances.
In North America, wolves have hybridised with domestic dogs, which has introduced black colouration into the wolf population.
Wolves in cold countries can withstand temperatures of -40ºC. When it is this cold, wolves lie close to the ground and use their tail as a muffler over their face.
Wolves are apex predators; they are only threatened by humans and tigers.