피그미하마(Hexaprotodon liberiensis)는 시에라 리온, 라이베리아, 기니, 코트디부아르의 열대 우림과 늪에 사는 중형 포유 동물입니다. 그들은 회갈색 피부와 작은 귀, 발가락이 4개인 발이 달린 튼튼한 다리를 지녔습니다. 그들은 대개 강가에서 발견되며, 대부분의 시간을 거기서 뒹굴거나 자면서 보냅니다. 피그미하마는 평균적으로 키가 75~100cm이며, 몸길이는 150~175cm고, 몸무게는 180~275kg입니다.

Latin Name
Hexaprotodon liberiensis
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The pygmy hippopotamus is approximately 20% of the size of the common hippopotamus it also has less webbing between its toes to allow it to trek through rainforests.
Common hippopotami have their eyes on the top of their head, whereas pygmy hippopotami have their eyes on the side of their head.
The pygmy hippopotamus has muscular adaptations which allow it to close their nostrils and ears when submerging.
As with its larger relative, the pygmy hippopotamus secretes a red protective liquid from its skin, due to its colour it is sometimes referred to as blood sweat.
The pygmy hippopotamus is able to sleep underwater due to a special behavioural adaptation that causes it to automatically return to the surface when they need to breathe.