맨드릴개코원숭이(Mandrillus sphinx)는 카메룬, 가봉, 적도 기니, 콩고의 열대 우림과 고원에 서식하는 큰 원숭이입니다. 그들은 올리브색에서 짙은 회색 사이의 색을 띤 털과 하얀 배, 독특한 색의 얼굴을 지녔으며, 주둥이의 중간 부분부터 콧구멍까지 긴 분홍색 줄무늬가 있고, 주둥이 양쪽에 파란색 패드가 있습니다. 또, 노란색 수염도 나 있습니다.

Latin Name
Mandrillus sphinx
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The mandrill is the largest monkey species in the world.
A group of mandrills is called a 'horde'; a horde can include up to 1300 individuals. Female mandrills live in family groups and all help each other with raising infants.
Mandrills have large cheek pouches that they store food in, often hiding food from their group mates to eat it in peace later.
The bright colours of a male mandrill's face and hindquarters are caused by testosterone and indicate the male's dominance level.
In 'The Descent of Man', Charles Darwin wrote that 'no other member in the whole class of mammals is coloured in so extraordinary a manner as the adult male mandrill'.