ブチハイエナ (Crocuta crocuta) はサブサハラアフリカ原産の動物である。万能型捕食者で、熱帯雨林や砂漠では見つからないが、ほとんどの環境で生きていける。しっかりとした前肢、筋肉質の首、比較的華奢な後肢が特徴的な外見をしている。大きな頭で、鼻筋も広く、土色の毛皮には黒い斑点があり、首から背中にかけて、たてがみがある。

Latin Name
Crocuta crocuta
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The spotted hyena's 'laugh' is a distress call that a hyena gives when it is being chased or attacked. Despite popular perception, spotted hyenas are formidable predators, not scavengers.
Hyenas are the only members of the order 'Carnivora' that give birth to young with open eyes and fully developed teeth.
Females are larger than males and dominate in spotted hyena society, they are hyper-masculinised; their external reproductive parts look male.
Spotted hyenas are extremely intelligent; their group cooperation and skill learning abilities are on par with chimpanzees.
Spotted hyenas have an extremely strong bite that allows them to routinely crush bone; their bite is stronger than a lion's. They can be very dangerous, in Malawi, in 1962, a pair of spotted hyenas killed 27 people.