ニアラ (Tragelaphus angasii) は、アフリカ南東部のサバンナの草の生い茂る場所にひっそりと棲むカモシカのような偶蹄類である。性的二型性であり、オスの体はメスよりもはるかに大きい。オスの体毛は濃い灰色で、黄色い脚、ねじれた先が黄色い角がある。メスは黄褐色である。オス、メスともに背中に白い縦縞がある

Latin Name
Tragelaphus angasii
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Unlike many antelope species, nyala are extremely reliant on water and need to drink daily. They always live near a water source.
Nyala produce a dog-like bark to alert other group members of danger.
Nyala males are called 'bulls' and nyala females are called 'ewes'. This is because of the large size difference between sexes in this species. The terms 'bull' and 'doe' are used for large antelope species, and 'ram' and 'ewe' for small antelope species.
Nyala are crepuscular animals; they forage during dusk and dawn, and rest and sleep during the heat of the day.
Nyala have excellent hearing and will listen for the warning calls of baboons and impala to remain aware of threats.