カラカル (Caracal caracal) は、アフリカや中東のサバンナ、湿原、半砂漠、森林や低木地帯に生息する小型の山猫である。体毛は赤褐色で腹部は白色、足が大きく、体はがっしりとしており、尾は比較的短い。大きなとがった耳を持ち、その先端から黒い毛の束が伸びている。オスはメスよりわずかに大きいが、それ以外の目立った性差はない。オスは肩高 41 cm ~ 53 cm、頭胴長 75 cm ~ 108 cm、体重 7.2 kg ~ 19 kg。メスは肩高 39 cm ~ 51 cm、頭胴長 71 cm ~ 103 cm、体重 7 kg ~ 15.9 kg である。短い尾は 18 cm ~ 34 cm である。

Latin Name
Caracal caracal
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
The word caracal is derived from the Turkish 'Kara-kulak' which means ‘black ear’.
The caracal can jump over 3m straight up into the air, often using this skill to catch airborne birds.
The caracal is able to take down prey 3 times their size.
Caracals are also known as ‘desert lynxes’ due to their lynx-like tufted ears and bobbed tail resembling lynx characteristics. Still, the lynx and caracal remain separate genera.
The caracal has been trained to assist humans with hunting, and has also been featured in sport hunting where watchers would place bets on how much prey the caracal could catch in a set period of time.
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