オリックス (Oryx gazella) は、アフリカ南部のカラハリ砂漠とナミブ砂漠に生息するアンテロープの一種である。オリックスにはいくつか外見上の特徴がある。細長いらせん状のツノ、黒い顔と目および鼻口部の白い模様、灰褐色の毛皮、脚の上部と背中の黒い模様、そして白い「ソックス」。平均的なオリックスは肩高 1.1~1.3 m、体長 1.9~2.4 m、ツノの長さ 85 cm。また、オスはメスよりも少しだけ大きく、かなり重い。

Latin Name
Oryx gazella
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
Gemsbok can increase their body temperature to up to 45°C to cope with high environmental temperatures, and prevent water loss through sweating and panting.
Gemsbok have a low metabolic rate so they do not have to drink often. They can go through most of the year without drinking and by retaining water from their diet.
Female gemsbok have longer horns than male gemsbok.
There is often only a very short amount of time – a matter of weeks – between a female gemsbok giving birth and getting pregnant again.
Gemsbok horns were sold as unicorn horns in medieval England.