サハラ以南のアフリカのサバンナ、森、山が原産のアフリカゾウ (Loxodonta africana) は、灰色の肌と特徴的な鼻を持つ大型で屈強な哺乳類だ。ゾウは鼻を使って声を出し、水を飲み、食べ物をつかむ。雌雄両方に牙が生えており、どちらも高い知性と強い社会的絆 (特に母親と赤ん坊) で知られている。メスの群れの絆は一生続き、たとえ群れがバラバラになっても、後に再会すれば家族のことを思い出し、意思疎通ができるだろう。

Latin Name
Loxodonta africana
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
An African Savannah elephant’s tusks grow throughout its life; an adult male’s can grow 7cm per year.
In Tanzania, there is an island that has been dubbed ‘Elephant Island’ by locals because elephants will swim there to eat palm leaves and coconuts.
African Savannah elephants give themselves mud baths by spraying water and soil over their backs to protect them from the sun.
Male elephants go through a periodic state called ‘musth’; a time of heightened aggression and fertility due to an increase in testosterone.
African Savannah elephants are very important seed dispersers; the seeds of the plants and trees they eat are spread far and wide in their dung.