L'hippotrague noir (Hippotragus niger) est une espèce d'ongulé qui vit dans le sud-est de l'Afrique. Il a de longues cornes cerclées recourbées vers l'arrière, un pelage brun clair à noir, avec un ventre, une gorge et un menton blancs, ainsi que des taches en forme de larme blanches sur la tête. Le mâle est plus gros, plus foncé et a des cornes plus longues que celles de la femelle. Mâles et femelles broutent dans la savane, préférant les zones légèrement boisées aux zones découvertes.

Latin Name
Hippotragus niger
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The females have strong hierarchies within their herd, with the alpha female being the strongest, healthiest individual. They are also hostile towards new female group members.
In the wild, sable antelope chew bones to gain minerals from them.
Sable antelope get darker as they get older. The darkness of the coat often indicates seniority of group members, with alpha females and males being dark brown to black in colour.
Young males will often play fight as practice and older males will challenge each other by butting heads and pushing each other with their horns, but fights rarely become violent.
Sable antelopes do not flee from predators but stand their ground, often attacking with their horns. They have been known to kill lions.