Le chameau de Bactriane (Camelus bactrianus) est un gros ongulé originaire d'Asie centrale. Il est doté de deux bosses et d'une fourrure épaisse couleur sable, bien qu'elle puisse aussi être brun foncé ou blanche. Il mesure en moyenne 2 m au garrot, auxquels il faut ajouter 30 cm pour les bosses. Les mâles sont beaucoup plus grands que les femelles.

Latin Name
Camelus bactrianus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The collective term for a group of Bactrian camels is a 'caravan'.
Camels have long eyelashes and nostrils that can fully close to protect themselves in sandstorms.
The Bactrian camel's two humps are made of fat and are built up during times of plentiful food, then shrink as they sustain the camel through times when food is sparse.
Bactrian camels are not fussy about what they eat; they can eat thorny, tough and bitter vegetation, carrion and will also eat tents, rope, clothes and other items when very hungry.
Bactrian camels were domesticated 4000 years ago in the steppes of Central Asia; they are farmed as pack animals and for their milk and wool.