La tortuga de espolones africana (Centrochelys sulcata), también conocida como tortuga sulcata, es la tortuga más grande del África continental y la tercera mayor del mundo. Habita en las sabanas y matorrales semiáridos del Sahel y el Sáhara. El caparazón ovalado es de color entre marrón y beis, aunque las placas se oscurecen hacia los bordes y muestran anillos de crecimiento. Superficialmente, machos y hembras son similares, salvo por ligeras diferencias en las placas del plastrón (el "vientre" del caparazón), aunque los machos pueden alcanzar un mayor tamaño. Las tortugas macho tienen un caparazón de hasta 86 cm de longitud y pesan hasta 80 kg, mientras que las hembras tienen, de promedio, un caparazón de 58 cm y un peso de entre 30 y 50 kg.

Latin Name
Centrochelys sulcata
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
There are more African spurred tortoises in captivity than there are in the wild, due to their popularity as pets. This provides an opportunity for pet owners to support reintroduction programmes.
African spurred tortoises are apt diggers and will excavate burrows to reach cooler, moist soil. On hot days, they will retreat to these burrows and enter a dormant state, called aestivation.
Upon reaching a certain size and weight (around 30kg), it is thought that African spurred tortoises experience almost no predation. Most mature tortoises in the wild die when they cannot right themselves after falling on their backs.
African spurred tortoises have keratinous spurs on their hind legs for which they are named. It is unknown what purpose these spurs serve.
While African spurred tortoises are herbivorous, they have been seen eating carrion from dead animals from time to time.