El escarabajo titán (Titanus giganteus) es una especie descomunal que habita en las selvas tropicales de Sudamérica. Su gran abdomen es negro y marrón rojizo, las patas, antenas y tórax son negros, y las alas son claras con estructuras venosas marrones. Sus robustas mandíbulas son lo bastante fuertes como para romper ramas jóvenes y, aunque ambos sexos presentan alas, solo los machos son capaces de volar. Igual que otras muchas especies, está amenazado por la paulatina destrucción de las selvas en las que habita.

Latin Name
Titanus giganteus
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The titan beetle is the world's largest beetle, with the biggest ever recorded at 16.7cm long.
Male titan beetles are attracted to light sources, whereas female titan beetles are not.
Adult male titan beetles do not eat, but spend all their energy on finding a mate and reproducing.
The larvae of this species have never been found, but it is estimated from boreholes in trees that they could be 30cm long and 5cm wide.
After emerging from its pupa, the adult titan beetle's lifespan is relatively short, usually dying shortly after mating.